Viewing Time Histories of
Multiple Realizations
When you are viewing time histories after you have run multiple realizations, there are a number of different ways that you can view the results (e.g., view one realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. at a time, view all realizations, view a particular statistic). The Display windows provide a number of options that allow you to select how you want to view the results.
Note: Time History results for simulations with multiple realizations can only be displayed for outputs that are referenced by Time History Result elements.
Note: You can only view those realizations which are available (i.e., those which have been saved and have not been screened out).
If you have run multiple realizations, the top portion of the display window (either a chart or a table) for a Time History result looks like this:
As can be seen, the Display drop-list provides five options:
This displays a single realization at a time. A control is added to the
display window to select any (unscreened) realization:
By default, the final
(unscreened) realization is shown. Note that you can also toggle to other
realizations using the Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down keys.
All Realizations: This displays all (unscreened) realizations simultaneously. The chart will show multiple lines. The table displays a column for each realization.
Note: If the Time History Result element A Result element that shows the history of a particular output as a function of time. contains multiple outputs and/or an array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions., the display window provides a field for selecting a single result to be displayed when this option is selected.
Probabilities: This is the default display. It provides a
Note: If the Time History Result element contains multiple outputs and/or an array, the display window provides a field for selecting a single result to be displayed when this option is selected.
This displays a single specified statistic for the collection of (unscreened)
realizations. A control is added to the display window to specify
the statistic:
The default statistic that is
shown is defined (and can be changed) in the Monte Carlo Result Display dialog
(accessed via the Options... button in the Result Properties dialog).
Pressing the Percentile...
button allows you to define a specific percentile:
The Statistic option is of
particular value when displaying multiple results, as it allows you to quickly
view a single statistic for all results:
Note that the legend title
indicates the Statistic being plotted.
Statistics: This displays a different custom statistic for each result (as
opposed to the same statistic for each result). The Custom Statistic that
is shown is specified in the Result Properties dialog.
The Custom Statistic option is
valuable if you want to display different statistics for different outputs, or
several different statistics for the same output:
Note: The first time that a Time History Result element is displayed, it will display Probabilities (the default). However, when viewing a Time History Result element, the element "remembers" the last type of display that was selected, and shows that when you double-click on it the next time.
Learn more
- Controlling the Chart Style in Time History Results
- Disabling a Time History Result Element
- Exporting from a Time History Result Element to a Spreadsheet
- Exporting from a Time History Result Element to a Text File
- Using Result Classification and Screening in Time History Results
- Viewing a Time History Chart
- Viewing a Time History Table
- Viewing Reporting Period-Based Results in Time History Result Elements
- Viewing Scenario Results in Time History Result Elements
- Viewing SubModel Results in Time History Result Elements
- Viewing the Properties of a Time History Result
- Viewing Time Histories for Array Outputs
- Viewing Time Histories of Multiple Outputs
- Viewing Time Histories of Multiple Realizations
- Viewing Unscheduled Updates in Time History Result Elements