Viewing Time Histories of Multiple Outputs

It is often useful to plot the time histories of multiple outputs on a single plot. This allows you to compare and contrast different results, or to better understand how various parameters in your model affect each other. Therefore, GoldSim allows you to display multiple outputs on a single time history chart or table.

To display multiple results in a Time History Result, you must first open the Result Properties dialog for the result.

You can do this by pressing the Edit Properties... button in any of the Result display windows:

The following dialog will be displayed:

This is the dialog for an interactive result A result display that is shown in a modal window (i.e., windows that always retain the focus). Interactive results can be converted to modeless Result elements.. A Result element will have a Name defined. Note that the Label is user-editable and is used in legends and column headers.

To add additional outputs to the result, press the Add Result... button. A dialog for selecting an output will be displayed. After you select the output you wish to add to the result display, and press OK, the selected outputs are then shown in the Result Properties dialog:

You can show the full path for each result (showing the containment hierarchy) by placing your cursor over the Result item to display a tool-tip.

Results can be deleted with the Delete Result button (holding the Ctrl key down changes this to a Delete All button). The order in which multiple results appear in the list can be changed using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

The Show Result >> button opens a result display window (while keeping the properties dialog simultaneously open).

A Time History Chart with multiple outputs looks like this:

The legend displays the (user-editable) Labels defined for each result.

Note that a legend is available for Time History Charts (you may have to turn it on by right-clicking in the chart and selecting to show the legend from the context menu). The Labels specified in the Result Properties dialog are used in the legend to label the different results.

For Time History Tables, the results are listed in separate columns:

The column headers are the (user-editable) Labels defined for each result.

The following points should be noted regarding the Time History Result Properties dialog when displaying multiple results: