Controlling the Chart Style in Distribution Results

GoldSim has powerful charting capabilities that allow you to customize the appearance of each chart. This includes adding headers and footers, and changing axis scales and labels. Most of these attributes can be edited by pressing the Chart Style button at the top of the Distribution Chart window:

Pressing this button (or right-clicking in a chart and selecting Edit Chart Style...) provides access to the following dialog for editing the various chart properties:

This dialog is common to all types of charts, and is discussed elsewhere.

In addition to the basic chart attributes controlled by the Chart Style A collection of settings for a particular type of result display chart. dialog, the Distribution Result Properties dialog itself is used to control some of the attributes of a chart:

In particular,

Note: You can hide or show the legend on a chart via the context menu (i.e., accessed by right-clicking in the chart).

If you have defined realization categories, have run multiple realizations, and a Distribution Result element A Result element that provides a way to view the final values of probabilistic outputs. has only a single result defined, you will note that in addition to showing the result (Mass in the example below), any categories that have been defined are also shown:

By default, the categories are not shown in result displays (the Show box is cleared). If you want to display the categories, you must check the box.

Note that although the Style selections for each category are displayed in the Distribution Result Properties dialog, they cannot be edited there (if you try to do so, you will note that they are grayed out). Instead, the Style for each category is controlled via the Monte Carlo Result Display Properties dialog (most easily accessed by pressing the Options... button in the Result Properties dialog of a Distribution Result element). The bottom of the Monte Carlo Result Display Properties dialog looks like this:

The Style used for each category displayed in a Distribution Chart can be edited by clicking on the field (in the Style column) corresponding to each category.

When a model is in Scenario Mode The state of a model when it contains scenario results, allowing multiple scenarios to be compared., Distribution Result elements can be used to view scenario A specific set of input data (and corresponding outputs) for a model. Multiple scenarios can be defined for a model. Different scenarios within a model are specifically differentiated by having different values for one or more Data elements. results. In this case, the line style for distribution results for the different scenarios is controlled by the Scenario Manager A dialog that allows you to create, define and run scenarios. dialog (accessed from the main menu (Run | Scenario Manager...) or by pressing F7):

In order for scenario results to be displayed in a Distribution Result element, the Show button must be checked for each scenario to be displayed in the Scenario Manager.

Note that for each scenario, you can edit the Style, as well as the Scenario Name, which is used in legends (and column headers for tables).