Viewing Distribution Results for Single Realization Runs

A Distribution Result can also be used to view a single realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. simulation.

When displaying Distribution Results after running only a single realization, the Distribution Chart looks like this:

In this example, three results have been added to a Result element via the Properties dialog.Note that the legend displays the (user-editable) Labels defined for each result.

A legend is available for Distribution Charts (you may have to turn it on by right-clicking in the chart and selecting to show the legend from the context menu). The Labels specified in the Result Properties dialog are used in the legend to label the different results.

For Distribution Tables, the results are listed in separate rows:

Note that the row headers are the (user-editable) Labels defined for each result.

Although using a Distribution Result to view a single realization in this way can be useful if you want to compare different results (or scenarios) in a single display, the Final Value Result provides a much more flexible and powerful way to do this.