Results at Capture Times
Distributions, Multi-Variate results, Final Value results and Array results all operate on Final Values. That is, they allow you to view the value at the end of each realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time..
In some cases, however, you may also want to capture these results at other times in the simulation (rather than just the end of the simulation). This can be useful, for example, if you wanted to view a result distribution for an output at various times during a simulation. GoldSim facilitates this by allowing you to create Capture Times User-defined points in time during a simulation at which “Final Value” results are captured for result display. The final time point in the simulation is always included as a Capture Time, but additional times can be added. at which these results are also made available.
If you have created Capture Times, an additional drop-list (labeled "Time") is added to the result display windows for Final Value, Distribution, Multi-Variate, and Array results:
To view the results for a particular Capture Time, you simply select it from the drop-list.
Note: Capture Times cannot be viewed in Scenario Mode The state of a model when it contains scenario results, allowing multiple scenarios to be compared. (i.e., only the Final Result can be viewed). That is, if you are running scenarios and viewing results (using Distribution or Final Value Result elements) you cannot view results for scenarios at specified Capture Times. You can only view scenario A specific set of input data (and corresponding outputs) for a model. Multiple scenarios can be defined for a model. Different scenarios within a model are specifically differentiated by having different values for one or more Data elements. results in these elements for the Final Result.
A simple example file illustrating Capture Times (CaptureTimes.gsm) can be found in the can be found in the General Examples/ Running folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).
Note: Several elements (Stochastics, SubModels, Spreadsheet elements) produce a special type of complex output representing all the distribution information (Distribution output). This output can be viewed in a Distribution Result. However, when doing so, Capture Times are ignored (when viewing a Distribution output, Capture Times don't apply, since a Distribution output contains a single "snapshot" and cannot represent multiple "snapshots").
- Controlling Significant Figures and Scientific Notation in Result Displays
- Selecting Items and Copying Values in Result Tables
- Size of Values Displayed
- Sorting Values in Result Tables
- Using Context Menus in Charts
- Viewing and Editing Result Properties
- Viewing Data Tips in Charts
- Viewing Results at Capture Times
- Zooming in on a Chart