Controlling Significant Figures and Scientific Notation in Result Displays

GoldSim provides a number of options for controlling the way that Results are displayed. These include the minimum number of significant figures to use, whether or not scientific notation is used, how conditions are displayed and how currencies are displayed. These options are controlled via the Results tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model |Options... from the main menu).

In addition, you can control the minimum number of significant figures to use and the magnitude above which scientific notation is used if directly from chart and table displays using accelerator keys:

Minimum number of significant figures to display: This setting can be changed dynamically from within most result displays using Alt-Cursor Left (i.e., Alt-Left Arrow) and Alt-Cursor Right. The default value is 4.

Use scientific notation if absolute value is >=: This setting can be changed dynamically from within most result displays using Alt-Cursor Up and Alt-Cursor Down. The default value is 6 (and GoldSim will always use scientific notation if the magnitude of the value is less than 0.0001 or greater than 1e10).

Note: When labeling chart axes, GoldSim respects the specified scientific notation setting, but ignores the significant figures setting (significant figures in chart axes are determined automatically and cannot be user-controlled).