Creating, Running and Comparing Scenarios

GoldSim provides a specialized capability that allows you to create, run and compare different scenarios for your model. Scenarios are differentiated by having different sets of input data. In particular, different scenarios have different values for one or more Data elements. GoldSim's scenario A specific set of input data (and corresponding outputs) for a model. Multiple scenarios can be defined for a model. Different scenarios within a model are specifically differentiated by having different values for one or more Data elements. modeling capability allows you to directly compare results generated by your model by different sets of input parameters. In effect, when you use this capability, your model can store (and subsequently compare) multiple sets of inputs and outputs.

This can be very useful for carrying out sensitivity analyses, testing and comparing alternative designs, and asking "what if" questions.

A simple example file which illustrates the use of Scenarios (Scenarios.gsm) can be found in the General Examples/Running folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

The details of how to create, run and compare scenarios are presented in the topics below.

Warning: Scenarios are an advanced modeling capability. Prior to using this capability, it is strongly recommended that you first learn how to create, run and view model results in the standard way (without scenarios).
Warning: Because scenario modeling is somewhat complex (as your model will be storing multiple sets of inputs and results), it is strongly recommended that you read the documentation below before using this feature. The first topic (Introduction to Scenarios) is of particular importance. It provides an overview of how the scenario modeling capability works. This is required reading prior to using this capability.
Note: Scenario modeling is not supported when doing distributed processing (using the Distributed Processing Module).