Viewing a Correlation Matrix Table

A Correlation Matrix tabulates the statistical correlation between two or more variables.

The default view for a Multi-Variate result is a 2D Scatter Plot.

If you are viewing a 2D Scatter Plot (or a different type of Multi-variate display), you can view a Correlation Matrix Table by pressing the Correlations button at the top of the display.

Note: When viewing a Multi-Variate Result element, the element "remembers" the last type of view that was displayed, and displays that view when you double-click on it.

A Correlation Matrix Table looks like this:

The correlation matrix consists of a table whose column and row headers are identical, and consist of all of the selected variables. The table entry for a particular row/column pair is the correlation coefficient for that pair of variables. The correlation coefficient takes on a value between -1 and 1, 1 being a perfect positive correlation, -1 being a perfect negative correlation.

This is the same analysis presented in the Sensitivity Analysis Table (in the Correlation Coefficient column), but is presented in terms of a matrix here, showing how all variables are correlated to each of the others. The Sensitivity Analysis table simply shows how a single result variable is correlated to the others (i.e., it shows one column of the matrix).

A detailed discussion of how correlation coefficients are computed is presented in Appendix B of the GoldSim User’s Guide.

You can increase or decrease the width of a column by dragging the line separating columns to the right or to the left, respectively. If the column is too narrow to display the contents of a cell, holding the cursor over the cell displays a tool-tip with the contents.

You can copy the contents of a correlation matrix table to the clipboard. To do so, you must first select the entire table (by double-clicking on the empty cell in the upper left-hand corner of the table. After you do so, you can copy the table to the clipboard by Ctrl+C. You can subsequently paste the table into another application (such as a spreadsheet).

Like all result tables in GoldSim, this table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by selecting a column and pressing the Sort button.

The Use Ranks button determines whether the calculations use ranks of the values or the actual values. By default, this button is not pressed, and the calculations are based on actual values.

By default, Multi-Variate results operate on Final Values. That is, the analysis applies to the values at the end of each realization. However, by defining Capture Times, you can carry out the analysis at any specified time. If you have created Capture Times, an additional drop-list is added to the display window to allow you to select the set of data (i.e., the values at the specified Capture Time) that you would like to analyze.