Elements That Can Interact With Resources

Only certain kinds of elements in GoldSim can interact with Resources. The table below summarizes which elements can use Resources, and how they can use them:

Element Resource Store Interaction Allowed Usage Comments
Triggered Event Interacts when triggered. Spend (discrete)
Deposit (discrete)
If triggered with a Spend Requirement and Resource is not available, trigger is held (it waits) for Resource.
Event Delay Interacts when triggered. Borrowed items are returned when signal is released. Spend (discrete)
Borrow (discrete)
Deposit (discrete)
If Requirement is Spend or Borrow, and Resource is not available, the signal is added to the queue for the element.
Discrete Change Delay Interacts when discrete change signal is received. Borrowed items are returned when signal is released. Spend (discrete)
Borrow (discrete)
Deposit (discrete)
If Requirement is Spend or Borrow, and Resource is not available, the signal is added to the queue for the element.
Conditional Container Interacts when Activation is triggered. Borrowed items are returned when Container is deactivated. Spend (discrete)
Borrow (discrete)
Deposit (discrete)
If triggered with a Spend or Borrow Requirement and Resource is not available, trigger is held (it waits) for Resource.
Conditional Container Interacts while Container is Active Spend Rate
Deposit Rate
While Container is active, spends or borrows at specified rate. If Spend Rate is specified and Resource is not available, the Container deactivates until the Resource becomes available.

Specialized elements in the GoldSim Reliability Module can also interact with Resources.