Controlling How Resources are Allocated Amongst Competing Requirements

In some cases, a Resource Store Stockpiles or places where a Resource (e.g., parts, personnel) is stored or located when not being used. Resource Stores can be thought of as having physical locations in the system you are modeling. The can be global or local (associated with a Container). may have competing requirements. For example, perhaps 10 kg of a particular Resource Something that has a limited supply (e.g., spare parts, fuel, skilled personnel, money) and is required in order for elements of the modeled system to carry out certain actions. exists in a Store, and two Triggered Events are triggered at the same time, each one having a Discrete Spend Resource Requirement of 6 kg. How does GoldSim decide which element receives the requested Resource?

GoldSim uses the causality sequence The specific order in which GoldSim updates (computes) elements every timestep. to determine how Resources are allocated amongst competing requirements.

When you build a model, GoldSim automatically sequences the elements in the order that they must be computed. For example if A was a function of B, and B was a function of C, C would be sequenced first, followed by B, followed by A. This is referred to as the causality sequence. Although in this simple example, the sequence is obvious, for complex models with looping logic, the causality sequence may not be readily apparent. The causality sequence can be viewed by selecting Model|Causality Sequence from the main menu.

GoldSim also provides a way to manipulate the causality sequence so that elements are computed in a specified order.