Element Inputs and Outputs

GoldSim models are built by linking the outputs of one (or more) elements to the inputs of other elements. Most GoldSim elements have at least one input and one output.

The easiest way to see the inputs and outputs is to use the input and output ports. By default, ports are hidden until you hold your cursor over the element.

Note: Ports Small boxes on the side of the element in the graphics pane. You can left-click on a port to access the element's inputs and outputs. are also automatically shown under some other circumstances even without holding your cursor over the element (e.g., if the element has results). You can also optionally control when ports are displayed. Ports are discussed in more detail in the next topic.

In all cases, however, holding your cursor over an element will cause the ports to be displayed. The ports appear as small squares at the bottom corners of the element:

Placing your cursor over a port changes the appearance of the cursor to a pointing hand, If you left-click on the port with this cursor, a browser An alternative view of a GoldSim model, in which elements are displayed in a tree, and organized either hierarchically, or by type. view window (referred to as an input or output interface) is displayed.

The input interface displays the element's inputs:

The output interface displays the element's outputs:

Note: You can also view the inputs and outputs in the browser.

As can be seen above, inputs and outputs have distinct names. Input names are "hard-wired" for each element type and cannot be changed by the user (e.g., the input names for all Reservoir A stock element that integrates and conserves flows of materials. elements are the same: Initial Value, Addition Rate, Withdrawal Rate Request, etc.). These input names correspond to the labels for the input fields in the property dialog for the element.

Some elements, such as an Expression, have a single output. Other elements, such as a Reservoir, have multiple outputs. If an element has multiple outputs, one of the outputs is usually defined as the primary output For an element with multiple outputs, the output that has the same name as the element. for the element. Any other output for the element is referred to as a secondary output For an element with multiple outputs, an output that has a different name than the element..

The name of the primary output of an element is always the same as the name of the element itself. Hence, the name for the primary output of the Reservoir element shown above is "Pond", the same as the name of the element. The output names for secondary outputs are "hard-wired" for each element type and cannot be changed by the user. In the example above. “Overflow_Rate”, “Is_Full” and “Withdrawal_Rate” are secondary outputs.

Output names are important, because links between elements are created by referencing the name of the output of one element in an input field of another element.