The Run Log

Whenever you run a GoldSim model, a Run Log Text that is stored with a GoldSim model once it has been run. It contains basic information regarding the simulation, and any warning or error messages that were generated. is produced. The Run Log contains basic statistics regarding the simulation (e.g., the version of the program, the date, the simulation length), and any warning or error messages that were generated.

If your simulation generates any warning messages during the run, you will immediately be prompted to view the Run Log when the simulation completes. The Run Log can also be viewed at any time after a simulation is completed by selecting Run|View Run Log in the main menu.

Note: The Run Log is not produced when running scenarios, sensitivity analysis or optimization.

The Run Log is automatically viewed by whatever application is associated with ".txt" files (typically Notepad or WordPad).

Note: The Run Log only becomes available after a model has been run. In Result Mode The state of a model when it has been run and contains simulation results for a single set of input parameters., the Run Log contains information describing the current run. If a model is in Edit Mode The state of a model when it is being edited and does not contain simulation results., the Run Log contains information describing the most recent run (the results of which are no longer available).

A simple Run Log is shown below:

Note: Although the Run Log is viewed in a text editor, it is saved internally within the GoldSim file and cannot be edited. If you edit the Run Log using the text editor, the changes will not be saved in the GoldSim file.

When you view a Run Log, GoldSim creates a text file from the information in the GoldSim file. By default, this file is saved in the same location as the model file. If it cannot be saved there (due to access issues), GoldSim will save it to the user's temporary folder (and provide the location of the file in a message).

By default, the name of the Run Log file is "GoldSim Run Log.txt".

Note: On rare occasions, you may want to instruct GoldSim to insert the model filename into the name of the Run Log filename. To do this, you must edit the Windows Registry. In particular, add a DWORD registry key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GTG\Settings named RunLogEmbedModelName and set it to a non-zero value. If you do so, the name of the Run Log file will be "ModelFilename _Run Log.txt. For example, if the model filename was called "Example.gsm", the Run Log file would be named "Example_RunLog.txt".

The Run Log contains the following information:

The Run Log is important because it provides an internal, uneditable "audit trail" for the run. By looking at the Run Log, you can immediately see key information like when the model was run, what version of GoldSim was used, and whether there were any warning messages.