Viewing the Five Basic Result Types

GoldSim provides five ways in which you can display results in graphical and tabular form:

Time History Results: Values at selected times for a particular output.

Distribution Results: Probability distributions of the final value (i.e., the value at the end of each realization) of an uncertain output.

Final Value Results: Comparisons of final value(s) in the form of bar, column and pie charts (and the associated tables of these displays).

Multi-Variate Results: Comparisons of final values of two or more outputs in the form of scatter plots, correlation tables, and sensitivity analyses; and

Array Results: Final values for vector and matrix outputs.

Right-clicking on an element with a primary output (in the graphics pane or browser) or on a specific output (in an output interface or a browser) which has been saved will provide a context menu for displaying these five types of results.

Depending on the output type and what kinds of results have been saved, different options will be available.

   Note: Time History Results are only available if you have selected Save Time Histories for the output. Multi-Variate Results, Distribution Results and Final Value Results are only available if you have selected Save Final Values for the output. Array Results are only available if the output is a vector or a matrix and you have selected Save Final Values for the output.

All five result types can be viewed either as a chart or a table (and in some cases, there are multiple types of charts and/or tables that can be viewed for a particular type of result).

A chart or table accessed and viewed in this manner is referred to as an interactive resulti. For each type of interactive result, there is a default display that is shown (a chart for all but the Distribution Result, which shows a summary page with both chart and tabular information). Once a result is displayed, you can subsequently switch back and forth between different chart and table views.

Charts or tables can also be viewed using specialized elements referred to as Result elements. Result elements allow you to organize all of your key result charts or tables, and allow you to access those results via a simple double-click.

   Note: Interactive Time History Results for an output are not available for multi-realization runs unless the output is connected to a Result element.

Examples of the five types of result displays are provided in the topics below. In each topic, links are provided to additional topics discussing the details regarding the manner in which these result displays can be manipulated and customized.

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