Understanding Result Mode

A GoldSim model file is always in one of four modes (or states): Edit Mode, Run Mode, Result Mode, or Scenario Mode.

The mode that the model is in is clearly identified in the status bar (in the lower left-hand corner of the GoldSim window). In addition, the status bar takes on a different color in each mode:

This model is in Edit Mode.  The status bar is blue.

This model is in Run Mode.  The status bar is pink.

This model is in Run Mode, but is paused.  The status bar is rust brown.

This model is in Result Mode.  The status bar is green.

This model is in Scenario Mode.  The status bar is orange.

Results can be viewed in two modes: Result Mode and Scenario Mode. Result Mode is the most common way that you will view results. Scenario Mode only exists if you are using GoldSim’s scenario feature. Viewing results in Scenario Mode is similar to viewing results in Result Mode, with a number of key limitations.

After you run your model (e.g., by pressing F5), it will automatically be placed in Result Mode. When in Result Mode, elements with outputs that have been saved are identified in two ways: 1) the elements (and their outputs) are bold in the browser (and output interfaces); and 2) the element output ports in the graphics pane are green.

When a model is in Result Mode, you can navigate it, open property dialogs, and view result plots. You can also move elements around within the graphics pane, add graphics (e.g., text, images), and add and edit Result elements.

You cannot, however, edit the model in any way that would change it’s behavior (e.g., you cannot change values in property dialogs or add or delete elements). GoldSim enforces this rule to ensure that the results and inputs to a model do not become inconsistent.

If you press F4, choose Run|Return to Edit Mode from the file menu, or press the Edit Mode button in the standard toolbar, the results will be discarded and the model will be returned to Edit Mode.

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