Viewing "Last Value" Results in Tool-Tips

Although GoldSim provides a variety of powerful ways in which you can display simulation results in the form or charts and tables, the simplest way to view basic results is via tool-tips.

In Result Mode, an output's last Value (the value at the end of the last realization) will be displayed in a tool-tip when the cursor is held over it in a browser (or output interface).

If the output is the primary output of an element, the last Value will also be shown in the tool-tip displayed when the cursor is held over the element itself.

Tool-tips are always displayed for scalar outputs. If you hold the cursor over a vector or a matrix, only a portion of the last Values may be displayed (if the array is large). Note, however, that if you expand the array in a browser or output interface and hold the cursor over a single item, the last Value for that item will be displayed.

   Note: The last Value for an output is displayed in tool-tips regardless of whether results (Time Histories or Final Values) have been saved for the output.

   Note: You can control the number of significant figures displayed in tool-tips from the Results tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model |Options… from the main menu).

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