Using Result Display Windows

Although GoldSim allows you to view five different types of results (time histories, distributions, final values, multi-variate results, and array results), the result display windows for these result types share a number of common characteristics:

   All five results can be viewed either as a chart or a table (and in some cases, there are multiple types of charts and/or tables that can be viewed for a particular type of result). For interactive results, the default is to show a chart (except for the Distribution Result, which shows a summary page with both chart and tabular information). Once a result is displayed, you can subsequently switch back and forth between different chart and table views.

   Although you can resize and maximize an interactive chart or table result display window, it is always modal. That is, it cannot be minimized, and with the exception of viewing the result properties dialog (which can be displayed simultaneously and share the focus with the result display window), it retains the focus while it is displayed. As a result, you must close the result display window before you can edit any other part of your GoldSim model.

   GoldSim does, however, provide a mechanism (Result elements) by which you can display one or more modeless result display windows (which allow you to navigate and edit other parts of the GoldSim model while keeping the windows open).

   Chart and table result display windows for all fivw types of results have  a number of common buttons which provide access to specialized dialogs and/or allow you to carry out specific actions.

   You can control the number of significant figures displayed in result displays from the Results tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model |Options… from the main menu).

   Charts for all five result types provide a number of common functions, such as context-sensitive menus, data tips and the ability to zoom in on a section of the chart.

The topics below provide details on the use of result display windows.

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