Multi-Variate Results

When evaluating the results of your simulations, you will sometimes want to view multi-variate results, in which multiple outputs are analyzed in graphical or tabular form.

To view multi-variate results, you select a specific output that you are interested in, along with the input variables (which are typically Stochastics) that may have affected that result.

One example of this is the 2-D scatter plot, in which the final value of one output is plotted against the final value of another:

GoldSim also allows you to create a 3-D scatter plot, in which one output is plotted against two others.

GoldSim provides two very useful tabular multi-variate result outputs to support sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.  One table provides a variety of statistical sensitivity analysis outputs (coefficient of determination, correlation coefficients, standardized regression coefficients, partial correlation coefficients, and importance measures):

A second table displays a complete correlation matrix, which indicates the degree to which all selected variables are correlated to each other:

You can also view the raw data display of multiple variables, showing the final values for each realization for each of a number of selected outputs:

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