Viewing a Cell in the Browser

The browser view of a Cell pathway is shown below:

The Properties folder contains the basic inputs for the Cell, including the Boundary Conditions, Discrete Changes, and the quantities of the media present.

   Note: Element inputs and outputs are only shown in the browser if you choose to Show element subitems (accessed via the browser context menu by right-clicking in the browser).

The pathway's mass and concentration outputs are listed first.  Note that in this particular example, the Cell contains two media: Water (the Reference Fluid), and Sediments.

The Properties folder contains the basic inputs for the Cell. In particular, it contains the Cumulative Input, Discrete Changes, and the quantities of each of the media present.  You can create links to these inputs using the Link Cursor. 

Note that the Species input, and an input for each medium in the cell also appear in the Properties folder.  The Species input is automatically linked to the nearest Species element when the Cell is created.  The media inputs are automatically created and linked to the corresponding media when they are added to the cell. These links cannot be changed using the Link Cursor, and are displayed for information purposes only.

If the Cell has any mass flux links associated with it, the corresponding inputs and outputs for these links are organized into the Inflows, Outflows, Diffusive Influxes, and Diffusive Outfluxes folders. Note that these folders are not shown if they are empty.

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