Advective Flux Links to/from Cells

Perhaps the simplest way to transport mass out of or into a Cell is by specifying an advective mass flux link to or from another pathway.

Advective mass flux links are used to transport mass via a flowing medium.  Mass which is dissolved in, or sorbed onto suspended in the flowing medium is transported with the medium as it moves.  Hence, an advective mass flux is computed as the concentration of the mass in the medium multiplied by the rate at which the medium is flowing:

     Advective Mass Flux = Concentration * Flow Rate

For Cell pathways, the flowing medium can be a Fluid or a Solid

It is important to understand that the quantity of a medium in a Cell is specified directly by the value in the media list for the Cell.  These values are not changed by the specified Outflows and/or Inflows of that medium from/to the Cell.  That is, even though you specify the rate at which the medium leaves (and/or enters) the Cell when you create an advective flux, this has no effect on the quantity of the medium in the Cell(s).  GoldSim uses the advective rates only to transport mass and does not keep track of the movement of media (e.g., Water) through the pathway network.

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