Saving Results for a Cell

Cell pathways produce the following outputs:

   the total mass of each species in the pathway;

   the concentration of each species in each medium; and

   the mass flux of each species for any specified advective Outflows and diffusive Outfluxes.

Other (optional) outputs include the amount of precipitated mass in the pathway, and the dissolved concentration of species in a fluid that contains suspended solids.

These outputs are all vectors by species.  Media concentrations have dimensions of mass/volume for Fluids and mass/mass for Solids.  Fluxes have dimensions of mass/time. 

You specify that you wish to save these results in three different places:

1.  Species masses (and precipitated masses, if Output Precipitated Mass is checked) in the pathway are saved by clicking Final Values and/or Time History at the bottom of the Cell editing dialog.

2.  Concentrations are saved by selecting a medium in the media list in the Cell editing dialog and clicking Save Final Concentration (labeled "F") and/or Save Concentration History (labeled "H") directly to the right of the selected medium:

   Note: You cannot check the Save Concentration History box if you are running multiple realizations.  As discussed below, in order to save histories when running multiple realizations, you must connect the output of interest to a Time History Result element.

3.  Fluxes are saved by selecting a mass flux link in the Inflows, Outflows or Diffusive Fluxes tab for a linked Cell and clicking Save Final Values and/or Save Time History at the bottom of the dialog:

If you are running multiple realizations, the Time History box is ignored, and unless an output of the element is connected to a Time History Result element, no time history results will be saved at all for the element. In fact, in such a case, the Save Results section (for items 1 and 3 above) would look like this:

In this particular case, because the simulation involves multiple realizations, the “Time History” checkbox is replaced by a “Monte Carlo Histories” checkbox.  This checkbox is grayed out, since it is only used for information purposes.  You cannot edit it directly, and its appearance is completely determined by whether or not the output is connected to a Time History Result element.  That is, in order to save time history results for a Cell output when running multiple realizations, you must connect it to a Time History Result element.

The display units for masses, concentrations and fluxes for all pathways are specified in the Contaminant Transport tab of the Options dialog (accessed via Model | Options… from the main menu):


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