Inputs and Outputs Associated with Treatment Mass Flux Links

When a treatment mass flux link is created, GoldSim creates several new inputs and outputs on the two linked pathways which subsequently appear in the browser view and interfaces for these pathways.

On the "from" or "outflow" pathway (the pathway from which the mass is flowing):

   GoldSim creates a new output named Fraction_of_inflows_to_Path2, where Path2 is the name of the linked pathway (toward which the mass is flowing).  For example, if the Outflow pathway was named Pond and the Inflow pathway was named Tank, GoldSim would create a new output on the Pond pathway called Fraction_of_inflows_to_Tank.  Like all GoldSim outputs, when the output appears in an expression, the name of the element is included prior to the output name (Pond. Fraction_of_inflows_to_Tank).  This output represents the mass flux itself, and is a vector by species with dimension of mass/time.

   Note: Although this output is referred to as a “flux”, it technically is a mass rate, not a flux (since fluxes have dimensions of mass/time/area). The term “flux” is used here for convenience. 

   GoldSim creates a new input named Filtering Fractions.  These are the actual fractions. It is dimensionless and is a vector by species.

These new items are organized under a "folder" within the browser view of the element called Outflows:

Each outflow has a separate sub-folder.

   Note: Element inputs and outputs are only shown in the browser if you choose to Show element subitems (accessed via the browser context menu by right-clicking in the browser).

On the "to" or "inflow" pathway (the pathway to which the mass is flowing):

   GoldSim creates a new input named Direct_transfer_from_Path1, where Path1 is the name of the linked pathway (from which the mass is flowing).  For example, if the Outflow pathway was named Pond and the Inflow pathway was named Tank, GoldSim would create a new input on the Sink pathway called Fraction_of_inflows_from_Pond.  This input represents the mass flux itself, and is a vector by species with dimension of mass/time.

   Note: Although this output is referred to as a “flux”, it technically is a mass rate, not a flux (since fluxes have dimensions of mass/time/area). The term “flux” is used here for convenience. 

This new item is organized under a "folder" within the browser view of the element called Inflows:

   Note: Element inputs and outputs are only shown in the browser if you choose to Show element subitems (accessed via the browser context menu by right-clicking in the browser).

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