Defining Suspended Solids in a Cell

When you add a Solid to a Cell, you can specify that the Solid is present in the Cell as suspended particulate matter. The Solid is assumed to be suspended in the first Fluid that precedes it in the list of media Materials (such as water, sand, clay, air) that constitute (are contained within) transport pathways. GoldSim provides two types of elements for defining media: Fluids and Solids. for the cell (i.e., the Fluid that is closest to it in the list).

To specify that a Solid is suspended:

  1. Select the Solid from the list of media in the Cell by clicking on it (the selected Solid will be highlighted in yellow).
  2. Check the "Suspended" box (labeled "S") to the immediate right of the specified Solid:

If a Solid is suspended, species The chemical (or non-chemical, such as bacterial or viral) constituents that are stored and transported through an environmental system in a contaminant transport model. In GoldSim, the Species element defines all of the contaminant species being simulated (and their properties). mass sorbed to the Solid is transported in any mass flux links involving the Fluid in which the Solid is suspended.

Note: If you wish to specify that only a portion of a Solid is suspended, add the Solid to the media list for the Cell twice (or define two different Solids with the same properties), and only specify that the Solid is suspended in one instance. Similarly, if you wish to specify that the Solid is suspended in multiple fluids in the Cell, add the Solid to the media list multiple times below the appropriate Fluids.
Note: Whenever you create a suspended Solid in a Cell, GoldSim creates an additional output for the Cell. In particular, in addition to computing the total concentration of the species in the Fluid in which the solid is suspended, it also computes the dissolved concentration of the species in the Fluid (excluding the contribution from species that are sorbed onto suspended particulates).