Using the Spreadsheet Wizard to Define Spreadsheet Outputs

If you press the Import... button from the Import or Export Selection dialog, and the checkbox for using the wizard is checked, the Spreadsheet Wizard will be displayed:

This wizard is used to create an output to the Spreadsheet element An element that can dynamically link to an Excel spreadsheet.. An output to a Spreadsheet element is defined by specifying a cell range in the spreadsheet file that you wish to import from the spreadsheet into GoldSim, making the data accessible within GoldSim as an element output. Until you become comfortable creating inputs and outputs for Spreadsheet elements, it is recommended that you use the wizard.

The wizard has three pages:

  1. On the first page of the wizard, you select the location in the spreadsheet from which you wish to import the data. You can do this specifying the Sheet Name and Cell Range directly. Alternatively, you can press the Location... button, which opens the spreadsheet and provides a dialog allowing you to directly select the desired cell range using your mouse.
  2. On the second page, you must specify the Units in Spreadsheet. These represent the units of the data in the spreadsheet. This will also become the display units The units (e.g., m, g, $/day) in which an output is displayed within GoldSim. for the output after it is imported into GoldSim. If the range you have selected in Step 1 is more than a single cell (indicating that the data will be imported into GoldSim in the form of a vector A one-dimensional array. or matrix A two-dimensional array.), you will be prompted for the Array Labels A collection of labels identifying the items of an array. for the vector or matrix.
  3. On the last page of the wizard, you specify the Name of the output. It will default to Outputn, where n is an integer. You will use this name to reference the output within GoldSim (as SpreadsheetElementName.OutputName). Hence, you will likely want to change this name from its default.
Note: You cannot use the wizard to import a probability distribution A mathematical representation of the relative likelihood of a variable having certain specific values. It can be expressed as a PDF (or a PMF for discrete variables), CDF or CCDF. from a spreadsheet. To do this, you must define the Import manually.
Note: You cannot use the wizard to import the units for the data from a spreadsheet. To do this, you must define the Import manually.
Note: If you specify a spreadsheet range that is more than one cell, the size of the range specified in Step 1 must be consistent with the size of the Array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions. Label set(s) specified in Step 2. Hence, a vector output must map to a single column or row range with the number of rows or columns matching the number of items in the vector; and a matrix output must map to a rectangular range with the number of rows and columns matching the dimensions of the matrix (e.g., a matrix with 3 rows and 6 columns would have to map to a range in the spreadsheet 3 rows long and 6 columns wide).

If required, you can control the sheet and cell range into which GoldSim exports data dynamically. For example, you could instruct GoldSim to change the location to which it exports data based on the simulation time or the realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time..

Note: Prior to running the model, you can view any spreadsheet data that you plan to import by first selecting the Update Spreadsheet Outputs item in the menu displayed via the Options>> button for the Spreadsheet element, and then viewing the outputs of the element in tool-tips within the element's output port.