Importing Stochastic Element Definitions from a Spreadsheet

You can use the Spreadsheet element An element that can dynamically link to an Excel spreadsheet. to import a probability distribution A mathematical representation of the relative likelihood of a variable having certain specific values. It can be expressed as a PDF (or a PMF for discrete variables), CDF or CCDF. from a spreadsheet. The distribution is defined in the spreadsheet using a number of fields that specify the type of distribution, as well as the arguments to the distribution.

Probability distributions must be specified in the spreadsheet in a very specific format. In particular, the distribution must be defined in a row of adjacent cells in the spreadsheet. The first cell is a code that defines the type of distribution. The subsequent cells (to the right of the code) define the input parameters for the distribution. The table below specifies how each type of distribution must be entered in the spreadsheet.

Distribution Type Code Distribution Parameters
Cell1 Cell2 Cell3 Cell4 Cell5 Cell6
Generalized Beta BETAGEN Mean SD Min Max
Beta BETASF Successes Failures
BetaPERT BETAPERT Min (0%) or 10% Most Likely Max (100%) or 90% 0 for 0/100; 1 for 10/90
Binomial BINOM Batch Size Prob
Cumulative CUM # pairs Linear = 0; Log = 1 Prob1 Val1
Discrete DISCRETE # pairs Prob1 Val1 Prob2 Val2
Exponential EXPON Mean
Extreme Probability EXTRPROB Min = 0; Max =1 Number samples
Extreme Value EXTRVAL Min = 0; Max =1 Location Scale
Gamma GAMMA Mean SD (Min) (Max)
Log-Normal LOGNORM True = 0; Geom = 1 True or Geom Mean True or Geom SD (Min) (Max)
Negative Binomial NEGBINOM Number successes Prob of success
Normal NORMAL Mean SD (Min) (Max)
Pareto PARETO Shape Mode (Max)
Pearson Type III PEARSON Location Scale Shape
Poisson POISSON Expected Value
Sampled Results SAMPLED # Results Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4
Student's t STUDENTT Deg of Freedom
Triangular TRIANG Linear =0; Log =1 Min (0%) or 10% Most Likely Max (100%) or 90% 0 for 0/100; 1 for 10/90
Uniform UNIFORM Linear =0; Log =1 Min Max
Weibull WEIBULL Min Slope Mean - Min (Max)
Cumulative and Discrete can have as many Prob/Val pairs as required.
Sampled Results can have as many Values as required.
Parameters in parentheses are optional.
If Log-Normal distribution is defined using Geometric parameters, the SD is dimensionless.
Bold parameters are dimensionless; others have same dimension as the distribution.
There is no option to import a Boolean distribution.

To import a distribution from a spreadsheet, you must press the Type button in the Import dialog:

After doing so, the following dialog will be displayed. You must select "Probability Distribution" as the Type:

The Order of a Probability Distribution must be Scalar An output consisting of a single value or condition..

When you specify the Location, you must select a single cell: that corresponding to the Type Code for the distribution. GoldSim will automatically read in the appropriate number of additional cells based on the distribution type.

Note: Prior to running the model, you can view any spreadsheet data that you plan to import by first selecting the Update Spreadsheet Outputs item in the menu displayed via the Options>> button for the Spreadsheet element, and then viewing the outputs of the element in tool-tips within the element's output port.
Note: Care must be taken when importing distributions that represent dates and temperatures. This is because dates and temperatures both have an absolute reference (i.e., 12/31/1899 for dates and absolute zero for temperatures). Differences between dates are expressed in units of time (e.g. days, seconds, etc) and differences between temperatures are expressed in “deg” units (Cdeg, Fdeg). This can lead to errors when importing Stochastics, since GoldSim assumes a single unit for the distribution parameters, while some types of distributions would require two different types of units. For example, a Normal distribution representing a temperature would require the Mean to be specified in absolute units (e.g., C) and the Standard Deviation The square root of the variance of a distribution. The variance is the second moment of the distribution and reflects the amount of spread or dispersion in the distribution. to be specified in difference units (e.g., Cdeg). Similarly, a Normal distribution representing a date would require the Mean to be specified in absolute units (e.g., as a date) and the Standard Deviation to be specified in difference units (e.g., days). If faced with this problem, there are several approaches for addressing this: 1) Use a distribution type where all parameters have the same units (e.g., triangular, uniform, cumulative); or 2) Specify and import the distributions as dimensionless and then apply a unit to the sampled value using an Expression element A function element that produces a single output by calculating user-specified mathematical expressions.. This latter option would work for temperatures, but not dates, since a date cannot be specified with dimensionless values. It could, however, be imported as a Julian date, in which case you could use day units (or some other time unit). Alternatively, the mean date could be defined as a Data element An input element intended to represent constant inputs in a model. and an imported distribution with time units could be used to model a “lag” (positive or negative) from the fixed date. An Expression element could be used to add the sampled lag value to the fixed (mean) date.

When a distribution is imported in this way, the output type on the spreadsheet element is not a value; rather, it is a complex output referred to as a Distribution output. Distribution outputs are complex outputs that represent all the statistical information necessary to define a probability distribution and only be used in several specialized locations.

To import this information into a Stochastic element An element that can be used to quantitatively represent the uncertainty in a model input., you must then use this Distribution output as the definition for a Stochastic element specified as an Externally-Defined distribution.