The Chart Style Legend
The Legend tab of the Chart Style dialog is used to specify the legend for the chart, and is only available for those charts for which a legend is applicable.
If Hide Legend is checked, the legend is hidden. You can also hide or show the legend via the chart context menu (under View) or via the legend context menu.
You enter the Title for the legend, and determine its Font. If the Reverse Order box is checked, the items of the legend are listed in reverse order.
The Position field allows you to place the legend at various locations around the chart (Top, Bottom, Right, Left, etc.). The Orientation of the items in the legend can be specified as being vertical or horizontal.
You can place a border around the legend, and specify its Style and Width (in terms of pixels). You can also specify the Foreground and Background color for the legend (or default the colors by selecting “Auto” so they use that of the Window Area, as specified in the General tab).