Understanding Simulation Modes

In order to fully understand how to run, control and monitor the status of your simulations, it is necessary to first understand the various simulation modes (model states) that a GoldSim model can be in at any given time.

At any given time, a GoldSim model is in one of five states (referred to as modes):

Edit Mode: The model is currently being edited and does not contain any simulation results.

Run Mode: The model is currently running. In this mode, you can pause the simulation and view the model, but elements cannot be added, deleted or edited.  Only cosmetic changes can be made to the model (e.g., adding text, moving elements around the screen).

Pause Mode: This is a special version of Run Mode.  The model is in the middle of running and has been paused. While a model is paused, you can navigate it, open property dialogs, and view result plots. You cannot, however, edit the model in any way that would change its behavior (e.g., you cannot change values in property dialogs or add or delete elements). You also cannot close or save a model while it is paused.

Result Mode: The model has been run and contains simulation results. In this mode, you can navigate the model and view results, but no elements (other than Result elements) can be added, deleted or edited.  Only cosmetic changes can be made to the model (e.g., adding text, moving elements around the screen).

Scenario Mode: This is a special mode that only exists if you are using GoldSim’s scenario feature. To be in this mode, the model must contain at least one scenario that has been defined by the user, and at least one scenario must have scenario results. In this mode, you can navigate the model and compare scenario results, but no elements (other than Result elements and Scenario Data elements) can be added, deleted or edited.

The mode that the model is in is clearly identified in the status bar (in the lower left-hand corner of the GoldSim window). In addition, the status bar takes on a different color in each mode:

This model is in Edit Mode.  The status bar is blue.

This model is in Run Mode.  The status bar is pink.

This model is in Run Mode, but is paused.  The status bar is rust brown.

This model is in Result Mode.  The status bar is green.

This model is in Scenario Mode.  The status bar is orange.

   Note: GoldSim provides a cosmetic option in the user interface to adjust the application theme. As part of this, you can disable the status bar from reflecting the simulation mode by changing color (instead, it is unchanged and determined by the selected theme). As a general rule, however, it is recommended that you do not do this (i.e., it is typically quite useful for the color of the status bar to reflect the simulation mode).

One of the key ways that the various modes can be distinguished is by whether or not you can edit your model while in that mode. As pointed out above, elements can only be edited while in Edit Mode (and under special circumstances, in Scenario Mode). In the other two modes, element editing is completely disabled.

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