Understanding Timestepping in GoldSim

In order to carry out a dynamic simulation, GoldSim steps through time in discrete intervals (referred to as timesteps). Calculations (referred to as updates of the model) are carried out at end of every timestep A discrete interval of time used in dynamic simulations., with the values at the end of the current timestep computed as a function of the values at the end of the previous timestep. Although the term timestep actually refers to an interval of time, it is often used interchangeably with the term update (indicating a calculation at a point in time).

In GoldSim, there are two kinds of updates/timesteps: scheduled updates (or timesteps) and unscheduled updates Timesteps that are inserted automatically by GoldSim during a simulation and are not directly specified by the user prior to running the model. (or timesteps).

Scheduled Updates

Scheduled updates are specified directly prior to running the model. That is, you tell GoldSim when you want these updates to occur.

There are four ways to specify scheduled updates:

The most common way to create scheduled updates will be by specifying some combination of Basic Steps and/or Reporting Periods:

Note: Most spreadsheet models implicitly compute accumulated values (e.g., flows) over a step (or the change from one step to the next). Hence, if you want to compare or integrate GoldSim with a spreadsheet model, you should use Reporting Periods to define your steps.

In some cases, you may also want to create Capture Times, which are typically used to capture and view statistical results at specified points in your simulation. In particular, Capture Times allow you to save and view "Final Value" type results at specified times during a simulation (rather than just at the final time point). Final Value results are associated with multiple realizations (or items in an array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions.), and allow you to display distributions, multi-variate results (e.g., scatter plots) and array plots.

When you define a Capture Time, a scheduled timestep is added at that time (if one does not already exist).

Finally, in rare cases, you may want to create smaller timesteps over a defined period of your simulation (e.g., if you know that early in your simulation, variables will change rapidly, and hence a small timestep is required).

Note: You can also specify a shorter timestep for different parts (i.e., Containers) of your model.

When specifying scheduled timesteps Timesteps that are directly specified by the user prior to running the model., the appropriate timestep length is a function of how rapidly the system represented by your model is changing: the more rapidly it is changing, the shorter the timestep required to accurately model the system.

You can view all of the scheduled timesteps in your simulation by pressing the Show Scheduled Updates... button at the top of the Time tab. The following dialog will be displayed:

This provides a summary of the scheduled timesteps you have defined (with the final column listing the type of each time point).

Unscheduled Updates

In some cases, events or other changes in the model may not fall exactly on a scheduled update. That is, some events or changes may actually occur between scheduled updates of the model. These trigger an "unscheduled update" of the model. Unscheduled updates are timesteps that are dynamically inserted by GoldSim during the simulation in order to more accurately simulate the system. That is, they are not specified directly prior to running the model. GoldSim inserts them automatically (and, generally, without you needing to be aware of it).

"Unscheduled updates" can be generated in the following ways:

When any of these events occur, GoldSim automatically inserts an unscheduled update at the exact time that the event or change occurs. For example, if you had specified a one day timestep, and a Timed Event occurs at 33.65 days (i.e., between the scheduled one-day updates), GoldSim would insert an unscheduled update at 33.65 days.

Note: By default, GoldSim always inserts unscheduled updates. However, although it is generally not recommended, you can override the default and instruct GoldSim not to insert the unscheduled updates. (This option is accessed via the Advanced... button in the Time tab of the Simulation Setting dialog).

A key and important difference between scheduled updates and unscheduled updates is that scheduled updates are included in time history plots and tables (unless you choose to exclude them). Unscheduled updates, however, do not normally appear in time history plots and tables. That is, although these timesteps may affect the results (e.g., by making them more accurate at the scheduled timesteps), unscheduled updates of the model are not saved and plotted. Only the scheduled updates are actually saved and plotted.

Note: In some cases, it may be of interest to see the values of selected outputs at unscheduled updates. To facilitate this, GoldSim provides an option to do so (under a specified set of conditions) in the Advanced Time settings.

A simple example file illustrating unscheduled updates (UnscheduledTimeSteps.gsm) can be found in the Running subfolder of the General Examples folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

The GoldSim timestepping algorithm is discussed in detail in Appendix F of the GoldSim User’s Guide.