Controlling the Chart Style in Final Value Results

GoldSim has powerful charting capabilities that allow you to customize the appearance of each chart. This includes adding headers and footers, and changing axis scales and labels. Most of these attributes can be edited by pressing the Chart Style button at the top of the Final Value Chart window:

Pressing this button (or right-clicking in a chart and selecting Edit Chart Style...) provides access to the following dialog for editing the various chart properties:

This dialog is common to all types of charts, and is discussed elsewhere.

Unlike most other result types in GoldSim, however, the colors of the bars, columns and pie slices in a Final Value chart are auto-selected and cannot be controlled by the user.

In addition to the basic chart attributes controlled by the Chart Style A collection of settings for a particular type of result display chart. dialog, the Final Value Result Properties dialog itself is used to control some of the attributes of a chart:

In particular,