Changes Tracked Between Versions

When versioning The process of tracking changes that you make to your model file. is enabled, GoldSim can report the differences between the current model and any previous version. GoldSim does not actually tell you how a model has changed; it only reports what has changed. For example, if you modify an input field of an element, GoldSim does not store what field was edited or what the previous value was. Rather, it simply reports that "one or more of the element's attributes have been changed".

The changes that are logged by GoldSim can be divided into two categories: global changes and element-specific changes. Global changes pertain to the entire model. Element-specific changes pertain to a particular element.

The following global changes are recorded and stored within the model file when versioning is enabled:

The following element-specific changes are recorded and stored within the model file when versioning is enabled:

The following points regarding the changes tracked by GoldSim should be noted: