Tracked Between Versions
When versioning The process of tracking changes that you make to your model file. is enabled, GoldSim can report the differences between the current model and any previous version. GoldSim does not actually tell you how a model has changed; it only reports what has changed. For example, if you modify an input field of an element, GoldSim does not store what field was edited or what the previous value was. Rather, it simply reports that "one or more of the element's attributes have been changed".
The changes that are logged by GoldSim can be divided into two categories: global changes and element-specific changes. Global changes pertain to the entire model. Element-specific changes pertain to a particular element.
The following global changes are recorded and stored within the model file when versioning is enabled:
- A new version is created.
- A version is deleted.
- Versioning is disabled.
- The model filename has changed via a Saved As command (the previous filename is recorded).
- The model filename has been changed outside of GoldSim since the file was last opened (the previous filename is recorded).
- The model file has been archived (the archived filename is recorded).
- One or more of the Simulation Settings have changed.
- A user-defined unit has been created or modified.
- An array A collection of variables that share common output attributes and can be manipulated in GoldSim elements or input expressions. label set has been added, deleted or changed.
- A global database download has been carried out.
- A file has been locked onto or unlocked by a Spreadsheet, External or File element An element whose purpose is to simply control copies of auxiliary files that may be required by External elements and Spreadsheet elements..
- One or more options in the Options dialog associated with an extension module have changed.
The following element-specific changes are recorded and stored within the model file when versioning is enabled:
- An element is added, moved, deleted.
- An element is cloned or a cloned element is freed.
- The element's ID has been changed (the previous ID is recorded).
- The element's description has changed (the previous description is recorded).
- Any of the element's attributes or input definitions have changed.
- A database download to the element is carried out.
- Data is imported into a Lookup Table or a Time Series element A type of input element that provide a very flexible and powerful way to input external time histories of data..
- The checkbox in the Options dialog controlling whether or not Timed Events are mapped to the next timestep A discrete interval of time used in dynamic simulations. has changed.
The following points regarding the changes tracked by GoldSim should be noted:
- A Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models. is considered to be changed if an element is added to, removed from, or deleted from it.
- Locking/unlocking and sealing a Container are not recorded as changes.
- Purely graphical or cosmetic modifications to the model such as changing an element's symbol or adding a graphic or text to the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown. are not recorded as changes.
- Adding, deleting or modifying Classification categories are not recorded as changes.
- Adding, deleting or editing a Note to an element is not recorded as a change.
- If an element is changed multiple times between versions, GoldSim records that the element has changed, but does not record the number of times or the number of changes that have been made.
- If an element is changed and then changed back (e.g., if the ID is changed and then changed back to its original ID), GoldSim still records this as a change.