Adding Images

In addition to adding text and graphics, you can also add images (as bitmaps and other graphic formats) to the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown..

To add an image to the graphics pane:

  1. Select Image from the drop-list at the second button of the Graphical Tools toolbar or the main menu under Graphics|Insert. A dialog is displayed for selecting the image file to be inserted.
  2. Select a file and file type to insert and press OK.
  3. Place the cursor at the location in the graphics pane where you want the center of the image to be inserted and click.

The image will be inserted into the graphics pane. You can move an image by selecting it and dragging it around the graphics pane.

You can "stretch" (resize) an image by selecting it and dragging one of the "handles" (there are eight handles - one on each corner and one on each side). Pressing the Shift key while resizing the image keeps the same aspect ratio; pressing the Ctrl key while resizing keeps the center of the object at the same location.