Adding a Curve or a Closed Curve

To add a Curve or a Closed Curve to the graphics pane The primary portion of the GoldSim interface, where the graphical depiction of the model is shown.:

  1. Select Curve or Closed Curve from the drop-list at the first button of the Graphical Tools toolbar or the main menu under Graphics|Insert.
  2. Place the cursor at the location in the graphics pane where you want the curve to start, and click.
  3. Move the cursor to the next "handle" of the curve and click.
  4. After adding as many handles as desired, move the cursor to the location where you want the curve to end and double-click.

If you are drawing a closed curve, GoldSim will automatically draw a line from the end point to the starting point of the curve (in order to close the curve).

You can move a curve by selecting it and dragging it around the graphics pane. You can stretch the curve by selecting one of the "handles" and dragging it. For a closed curve, you can also move individual vertices by right-clicking on the object and selecting Edit Vertices from the menu. This will highlight individual vertices that can then be dragged and repositioned.

You can rotate a curve by selecting the object and choosing Graphics|Rotate from the main menu.