Associating Cells with a Source

Once mass is exposed, it can be transported through and away from the Source. GoldSim uses the Cell pathways to represent this process. In particular, one or more Cell pathways must be specified as being associated with the Source. Cells are associated with a Source by placing them inside a Source Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models..

One or more of the Associated Cells are further specified as being Inventory Cells. Exposed mass from the Source is distributed to the Inventory Cells. You decide which Cells are to be associated with a particular Source, and how the exposed mass in a Source is split among its Inventory Cells.

The Associated Cells for a Source are intended to physically represent a single package within the source. They behave in a special way in order to represent mass transport from a Source consisting of multiple packages. In particular, GoldSim automatically scales some properties of these Cells to represent the presence of multiple packages. Associated cells are connected (advectively and diffusively) to other (unassociated) Cells in the system in order to link the Sources into the pathway network.

Warning: In general, if you are simulating multiple packages, you should not place other kinds of pathways inside a Source. Only Cell pathways should be used inside a Source element A specialized element for introducing mass into a contaminant transport model, and is particularly useful when simulating mass emanating from gradually failing engineered barriers. (since the properties of other kinds of pathways are not scaled).

The topics below describe how associated Cells are defined and used.