Understanding the Behavior of Associated Cells
An associated Cell is intended to represent the behavior of a single package within a Source. If a Source has multiple packages, GoldSim automatically scales some of the properties of the Associated Cells in order to represent that the Cells contain the exposed mass of multiple packages.
The Associated Cell properties that are scaled internally by GoldSim are as follows:
- the volume and masses of the media Materials (such as water, sand, clay, air) that constitute (are contained within) transport pathways. GoldSim provides two types of elements for defining media: Fluids and Solids. in the Cell;
- the flow rate for advective mass flux links from the Cell; and
- the diffusive area for diffusive mass flux links to/from the Cell.
These properties are dynamically multiplied by the number of failed packages. Hence, at any given time in a simulation, an Associated Cell actually represents the group of all the packages which have failed up to that time. In effect, GoldSim accounts for the presence of multiple packages by simply increasing the size of the Associated Cells.
An implicit assumption of this approach is that at any given time, all of the exposed mass within a Source is evenly distributed among the failed packages. In reality, the exposed mass may be concentrated in a fraction of the failed packages (e.g., those that have failed recently). In cases where solubility limits are involved, assuming that the exposed mass is evenly distributed throughout all the failed packages can be conservative with respect to release rates (i.e., result in an overestimate for the rate of mass transfer). This is because if mass transfer from a single package is actually limited by solubility considerations, spreading the same mass over a number of packages could have the effect of artificially negating this limitation.
In order to avoid this assumption and more accurately simulate the mass transfer within a source, it would be necessary to represent every package using a separate set of Associated Cells. If only a limited number of packages exist (e.g., 10), this could be accomplished by defining a separate Source for each package. If the number of packages numbers in the hundreds or thousands, however, such an approach would quickly become computationally impractical.
Note: Because properties of Associated Cells are scaled internally with the number of failed packages, you should take great care when creating mass transfer connections in which mass could move into an Associated Cell from outside of the Source. In most cases, such a connection would not make sense physically (since the properties of the Associated Cell receiving the mass only represent the failed packages inside the Source). As a result, typically, it would only be physically meaningful to create mass transfer connections into Sources in which all packages are assumed to fail immediately.