Displaying Final Value Results

Final Value results can be viewed as a table, or as one of several different charts (bar, column, stacked bar, stacked column, or pie). 

In particular, seven different charts can be displayed:

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Depending on the type of run and collection of outputs that you have specified for comparison in a Final Value result, there are typically from one to three “dimensions” which you can select from in order to create the display (for array displays, there can be four). These “dimensions” can be defined by:

   The output(s);

   Realization(s) or statistic(s) generated from those realizations;


   Capture Time(s); and

   Result items in an array row or column of a vector or matrix output.

In the topics below, the use of each of these various “dimensions” in Final Value result displays is summarized.

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