Displaying Multiple Outputs in Final Value Results

One of the most common types of Final Value results you might want to display is simply the comparison of multiple outputs. 

To do so, you would need to add the outputs you wished to display using the Properties dialog.

In the example below, there are three scalar outputs specified:

Graphical user interface, application

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For each result in the list, you can specify whether or not the result is to be included when displaying charts (Chart). Results do not need to have the same unit dimensions.  Results with different dimensions  can be displayed in tables.  However, all results shown in a chart must have the same dimensions (and units).  Hence, if you select the Chart box for a result, any other results that are selected but have different dimensions will be automatically deselected. 

When you are viewing a Final Value Result element in a model in which you have defined multiple scalar outputs, when viewing a table you will be able to select  “All Results” (or a single result) for the Rows, Columns or Layer.  When viewing a chart you will be able to select “All Results” (or a single result) for the Series or Points, or select a single result for the Layer. This provides a great deal of flexibility for displaying results.

For example, if you could choose to display a chart showing all outputs in two different ways:

Chart, bar chart

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Chart, bar chart

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Of course, we could also display other types of charts (e.g., bar charts, pie charts). 

If you added a second (or third) “dimension” to the results (e.g., by running multiple realizations, specifying Capture Times and/or running scenarios), you could display results for a particular Capture Time or scenario, or could display, for example, the statistics and Capture Times for any selected output.

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