Top-Down Modeling Using the Reliability Module

GoldSim encourages a top-down approach to modeling. In a top-down approach, the system is initially represented in a simple manner, and then evolves (and becomes more detailed and realistic) as more information about the system is obtained. A top-down approach to modeling is inherently an iterative approach. To illustrate this, let's consider an example of modeling the reliability of a computer.

Following a top-down approach, our first attempt at modeling the reliability of the computer might be very simple. In particular, we might begin by using a single Function element to represent the computer, and assign an exponential (constant) failure rate to model the computer's reliability. The Function element's dialog for this simple representation is shown below:

In this particular case, we have specified that the reliability of the computer can be modeled by assuming that it has an exponential failure rate, with a mean of 1/400 days (the Failure Rate input field is set to 0.0025 day-1, or 1/400 days).

A quick look at the dialog reveals a number of options and fields which can be used to incorporate additional detail and complexity into the model as the system becomes better quantified. Once a preliminary model has been developed and run, users will typically develop an improved, more realistic model using some of the more advanced features of the Reliability Module.

In the next topic, we add some failure modes to our reliability model for the computer.