Using a Standalone License

Standalone licenses are activated on a single computer and, once they are activated, do not require connection to the internet (the license resides on the computer).

There are two types of Standalone licenses: Desktop Standalone A license that is activated on a single computer and, once it is activated, does not require connection to the internet (the license resides on the computer). The number of license transfers is limited to 6 per year. licenses, and Enterprise Standalone A license that is activated on a single computer and, once it is activated, does not require connection to the internet (the license resides on the computer). The number of license transfers is unlimited. licenses. The licenses are identical in all respects with one exception: Desktop Standalone licenses limit the number of license transfers (to 6 per year). Enterprise Standalone licenses allow an unlimited number of transfers.

Note: A Standalone license A GoldSim license that resides on an individual computer and is licensed for use just on that computer (although it can be easily transferred between computers). can either be a perpetual license A license that does not expire (although it does need to be reactivated at no cost once per year). or a leased license A license that expires after a certain period (1 year or 3 months). Once it expires, you must puchase another lease in order to continue to use the software.. Leased licenses are all Enterprise Standalone licenses (i.e., they allow an unlimited number of transfers).