Processing an Interrupt When the Message is Off or Cannot be Displayed

In some cases, you may choose not to show a message when an Interrupt is triggered. As discussed below, this is useful, for example, if you are using the Interrupt to terminate a realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. and skip to the end when a certain condition occurs (e.g., a project completes). In other cases, it may not be possible to display the message (e.g., when simulating scenarios, or when carrying out a distributed processing simulation, a sensitivity analysis, or an optimization).

You must specify how you want GoldSim to handle the Interrupt when the message is turned off or cannot be displayed. This is done via the Specify Action When Message is off or cannot be shown field at the bottom of the Interrupt property dialog.

The drop list contains five options:

Note: This option is what you should select if you are using the Interrupt to terminate a realization and skip to the end when a certain condition occurs (e.g., a project completes).
Warning: When running distributed processing, scenarios, sensitivity analysis or an optimization, Interrupt messages are never displayed. Moreover, unless the Specify Action When Message is off or cannot be shown field is set to "Continue" or "Skip remainder of current Realization and Continue", the Interrupt will result in a fatal error.
Note: Even if the message is turned off (or cannot be displayed), you can still specify that the message is to be added to the run log Text that is stored with a GoldSim model once it has been run. It contains basic information regarding the simulation, and any warning or error messages that were generated.. Note, however, that a run log is not produced for sensitivity analyses and optimizations.