Specifying the Axis Appearance for 3D Charts

The Z-axis tab of the Chart Style dialog box is only available when viewing 3D scatter plots and 3D array plots and contains a subset of the options available on the other axes.

This is because the nature of a 3D plot is such that other than the title, the scale, the font and the font size, the appearance of the axis labels in a 3D plot are fixed by GoldSim and cannot be edited.

The various fields in this tab are described below:

Title: This is the axis title. If you right-click within the Title edit field, a context menu providing a list of keywords will be provided. Keywords allow you to automatically insert text that is determined automatically by the context of the result (e.g., the keywords %rlabel% %(unit)% inserts the result label and the display units for the output associate with the axis). This allows you to use a single chart style for multiple results.

Axis Font: This provides access to a dialog for specifying the font for the axis. Note that this font is applied to all axes (i.e., all axes must use the same font).

Hide Axis: If this box is checked the entire axis (and all annotation) is hidden.

Scale Minimum: This is the minimum value (lower bound) on the axis. If Default is checked, GoldSim will select the value for you (based on the range).

Scale Maximum: This is the maximum value (upper bound) on the axis. If Default is checked, GoldSim will select the value for you (based on the range).

Grids (XY-Plane, XZ-Plane, YZ-Plane): This determines if grids are shown for the specified planes. If checked (and applicable to the plot), the grids are shown.

Show Drop Lines: If this box is checked, GoldSim will draw a line from the data point to the XY-plane for scatter plots.  It does not apply to array charts.

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