Specifying Simulation Settings

To run a model, you must first specify its simulation settings.When you create a new model, the simulation settings dialog is automatically displayed.  After the model has been created, the simulation settings can be accessed and edited from the main menu under Run | Simulation Settings, or by double-clicking on the Simulation Settings button in the standard toolbar. When you do so, the following dialog is displayed:

The Time tab of the dialog is used to specify the duration of the simulation, the timestep length, and the units in which time will be displayed in results.

The Monte Carlo tab of the dialog is used to specify Monte Carlo options (how probabilistic simulations will be carried out), such as the number of realizations, and whether Latin Hypercube sampling is to be used.

   Note: Appendix A of the GoldSim User’s Guide provides an introduction to probabilistic simulation techniques, and introduces the basic terminology required to understand the Monte Carlo options presented in this dialog.

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