The GoldSim Start Dialog

Whenever you start GoldSim, the following dialog is displayed:

Graphical user interface, website

Description automatically generated

The choices on the Start dialog are as follows:

New Model: This opens a new (blank) model. 

Open Model:  This displays a dialog for opening an existing model.

Recent Models:  The eight most recently opened models are displayed here.  Holding your cursor over a filename displays information (path, date modified, and size) regarding the file. Clicking on the filename opens the model.

You can also close the Start dialog and open a new model by clicking anywhere outside of the dialog or  pressing the Esc key.

Pressing Help Center will take you to the GoldSim Help Center, the primary web portal for accessing technical support. Pressing Tutorial will open a Tutorial.  The GoldSim Tutorial presents the basic concepts on which GoldSim is based and provides an overview of GoldSim’s key features and capabilities. 

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