Step 7: Running the Model with Deposits and Withdrawals

Before we run this model, we want to first make sure that GoldSim will be randomly sampling the purchases and the purchase amounts. 

To do this, open the Simulation Settings dialog (press F2) and click on the Monte Carlo tab.  Make sure the Probabilistic Simulation radio button is selected, and that the “# Realizations” is set to 1:

Let's now run the model again by pressing F5. After the simulation completes, right-click on the Bank_Account element and then left-click on Time History Result… in the context menu to view a time history plot of the result:

A screenshot of a map

Description automatically generated

   Note: Your result plot will be different, since this represents one random realization of the system.

Notice that our bank account now has random withdrawals (in addition to the payday deposits and accumulation of interest).

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