Step 1: Setting Up a Dynamic Financial Model

We will explore the Financial Module by constructing a simple GoldSim model that utilizes one Financial Module element (the Fund), along with a number of elements from the basic GoldSim framework.

If you wish to follow along, you can start to do so now by opening GoldSim (or if GoldSim is already open, by creating a new model by pressing the new model button or Ctrl+N). Although it would be most constructive for you to follow along and build the model yourself, the completed model (named Fund.gsm) can be found in the Financial Examples folder in your GoldSim directory (accessed by selecting File | Open Example... from the main menu).

When specifying the simulation settings (accessed by pressing F2), specify that the simulation will be an Elapsed Time simulation with a duration of two years (2 yr), using a 1 day timestep length.  Define the Time Display Units in years (yr):

   Note: The Start Time will default to the current date. In this model, it is not used.

We will start by running a single Deterministic simulation. In the Monte Carlo tab of the Simulation Settings dialog, select the Deterministic Simulation option:

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