Using Keywords in
In order to facilitate the use of a single chart style A collection of settings for a particular type of result display chart. for multiple results, GoldSim allows you to use keywords Text delimited by the % symbol (e.g., %x_unit%) that can be used when creating chart styles to insert context sensitive text (e.g., for axis labels). (delimited by the % symbol) when you create and use chart styles. Keywords can be used in fields where titles or text is required (e.g., headers and footers, axis labels, legend titles). For example, the keyword %rname% inserts the name of the Result element being displayed, and the keyword %#real% inserts the number of realizations. We could insert these in a header, as shown below:
This would appear in the chart as follows:
You can access the full list of keywords which are available by right-clicking in any Title or Text field in the chart style dialog.
A complete list of available keywords is provided below:
Keyword | Description |
%rname% | Result element name1 |
%rdesc% | Result element description1 |
%rlabel% | Label of the first result mapped to the axis2 (context sensitive) |
%unit% | Display units The units (e.g., m, g, $/day) in which an output is displayed within GoldSim. for axis value3 (context sensitive) |
%(unit)% | Display units for axis value within parentheses3 (context sensitive) |
%[unit]% | Display units for axis value within brackets3 (context sensitive) |
%#real% | Number of realizations |
%#creal% | Number of completed realizations4 |
%mctype% | Type of Monte Carlo simulation (Deterministic or Probabilistic) |
%rundate% | Date simulation was started (displayed using Regional date format settings) |
%runtime% | Time simulation was started (displayed using Regional time format settings) |
%runduration% | Duration of simulation (simulation run time) |
%curdate% | Current date (displayed using Regional date format settings) |
%curtime% | Current time (displayed using Regional time format settings) |
%period% | Period Label of reporting period being displayed (blank if result is not period-based) |
%ctprec% | CT Module solution precision (Low, Medium, High). N/A shown if module not being used. |
%author% | Model Author (as specified in the Information tab of the Simulation Settings dialog) |
%an_desc% | Analysis Description (as specified in the Information tab of the Simulation Settings dialog) |
%filename% | model filename (without extension) |
%filename_ex% | model filename (with extension) |
%copyright% | GoldSim copyright notice |
%version% | GoldSim version number |
2 If the keyword is used in a location other than an axis title (e.g., a header or footer title), it simply appears as entered (e.g., %rlabel%) and is not replaced with a result label (as it would ambiguous as to which label to use).
3 If the axis data is dimensionless, or if it represents a date/time, the keyword is ignored. If the keyword is used in a location other than an axis title (e.g., a header or footer title), it simply appears as entered (e.g., %unit%) and is not replaced with a unit (as it would ambiguous as to which unit to use).
4 Displays total number of completed realizations, even if some are currently screened. In Scenario Mode The state of a model when it contains scenario results, allowing multiple scenarios to be compared., if all of the displayed scenarios do not have the same number of completed realizations, N/A is displayed.
Note that some of these keywords are used as defaults. For example, all result displays use %rname% in the Header, and the axis titles use both %rlabel% and %(unit)%.