Summarizing Resource Locations
and Users
After you have added a number of Resource Something that has a limited supply (e.g., spare parts, fuel, skilled personnel, money) and is required in order for elements of the modeled system to carry out certain actions. Stores and elements that interact with those Stores to your model, it is often useful to be able to summarize the locations and users of the various Resources that exist in your model.
GoldSim provides several ways to do this. Within the Resources Manager (accessed via Model|Resources...), a Locations button is provided:
This button lists all of the Resource Stores in the model, along with all of the elements that interact with them:
Selecting an element in the tree that uses a Resource and pressing Go to element jumps to that element. The Collapse All button collapses the tree to the top level (the Resources). (The button then becomes Expand All). Pressing Ctrl-A also toggles between expanding and collapsing the tree.
The Resources tab for a Container An element that acts like a "box" or a "folder" into which other elements can be placed. It can be used to create hierarchical models. that has Local Stores also has a Locations button:
This button lists all of the Resource Stores in the Container, along with all of the elements that interact with them:
Selecting an element in the tree that uses a Resource and pressing Go to element jumps to that element. The Collapse All button collapses the tree to the top level (the Resource Stores). (The button then becomes Expand All). Pressing Ctrl-A also toggles between expanding and collapsing the tree.
In the dialog for defining a Resource Store Stockpiles or places where a Resource (e.g., parts, personnel) is stored or located when not being used. Resource Stores can be thought of as having physical locations in the system you are modeling. The can be global or local (associated with a Container). (either globally or locally), there is a Users button:
This button lists all of the users (elements) that interact with that particular Resource Store: