Exporting Results

In some cases, rather than using the result plotting and post-processing capabilities provided by GoldSim, you may wish to plot, analyze, or store the results using a separate program, such as a spreadsheet, a database, or statistical analysis package.

To facilitate this, GoldSim provides three flexible methods for exporting results in the form of an MS-Excel file or a text file. The three methods are as follows:

Exporting Time Histories from a Time History Result Element. You can export outputs that are specified within a Time History Result to an MS-Excel spreadsheet file or a text file. This export can be set to occur automatically at the end of a simulation, or can be triggered manually while in Result or Scenario Mode The state of a model when it contains scenario results, allowing multiple scenarios to be compared.. Spreadsheet export provides export of a single history per result (for single realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. runs) or a specified statistic (for multi-realization runs). Text export provides export of all realizations for multi-realization runs.

Exporting Results Using a Spreadsheet Element. You can export specified GoldSim outputs to an MS-Excel spreadsheet file using a Spreadsheet element An element that can dynamically link to an Excel spreadsheet.. Any GoldSim output can be exported in this way. By using the built-in capabilities of Spreadsheet elements (in particular, the ability to specify dynamic offsets), time histories and/or multiple realizations can be output. This export occurs automatically during the simulation.

Exporting Final Value Results for Multiple Outputs and Multiple Realizations. You can export the final values for each realization for specified GoldSim outputs to a text file. The export is carried out manually using a key combination when viewing a Raw Multi-Variate Data Table. This export is of particular value when you wish to carry out sensitivity and/or uncertainty analyses using a separate statistical analysis software package.

These methods are described in detail in the topics below.