Aborting a Simulation

Once a simulation begins, the toolbar looks like this:

If the simulation is paused, the toolbar looks like this:

The Abort (first button from the left) can be used to abort the simulation.

If you press the Abort button while a model is running (or paused), the following dialog will be displayed:

The dialog provides you with two options:

Keep Results: This button will keep the existing results and place the model in Result Mode The state of a model when it has been run and contains simulation results for a single set of input parameters..

Discard Results. This button will discard all results, and place the model in Edit Mode The state of a model when it is being edited and does not contain simulation results..

If you are aborting during the first realization A single model run within a Monte Carlo simulation. It represents one possible path the system could follow through time. and you choose to keep results, in order to generate results for the remainder of the partial realization, GoldSim will skip to the end of the realization (i.e., skip all further calculations for the realization, keeping the values of all elements constant at their last compute value).

If you are running multiple realizations, and abort after the first realization, you will have the choice to Include results of current partially completed realization. If this box is cleared (the default) and you choose to keep results, the current partially completed realization will be discarded (only the completed realizations will be saved). If this box is checked, GoldSim will generate results for the remainder of the partial realization by skipping to the end of the realization (i.e., skipping all further calculations for the realization, keeping the values of all elements constant at their last compute value).

Warning: When you abort a simulation and include the results from the last (partially complete) realization, you should be careful as to how you interpret the results. In particular, because the last realization was not complete, it may be inappropriate to combine it with or compare it to other (full) realizations.