Viewing the Active Scenario

After you have defined scenarios in your model, you can browse the model and view Data elements that have been defined as Scenario Data. Note, however, that like all Data elements, a Scenario Data element has a single value. That is, it cannot display the value for all scenarios; it can only show you the value for one scenario at a time.  The dialog indicates which scenario is being displayed (in the example below, the “Dry” scenario is being displayed):

Because this is a Scenario Data element, some of the editing is locked (e.g., you cannot change the Type or dimensions).  However, in Edit Mode you can change the value itself.  If you were to do so, it would change the value of this Data element only for the Active Scenario (in this case, “Dry” scenario).

The Active Scenario is the scenario that is being viewed when you are browsing a model (and hence is only applicable if the model has scenarios defined). That is, whenever a model has scenarios, one of the scenarios is the Active Scenario.  The Active Scenario is indicated in the ight-hand side of the GoldSim status bar:


If you click on this portion of the status bar, GoldSim will display all of the scenarios (and you can select one to become the Active Scenario):

If you change the Active Scenario and then view a Scenario Data element, it will display the value for the selected scenario.

Note that one of the options here is always the “Live Model”.  Live Model can be thought of as a “scratch” scenario, or a temporary placeholder scenario where you can experiment before saving something as an actual scenario.  As will be discussed in the next topic, when comparing scenario results, only defined scenarios are shown (the Live Model is not included in the comparison). 

You can also select the Active Scenario directly from within the Scenario Manager:

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