How Are Scenarios Created?

GoldSim provides several ways to create scenarios.

The most straightforward way to create scenarios is to use the Scenario Manager. The Scenario Manager can be accessed from the main menu (Run | Scenario Manager…) or by pressing F7.

The Scenario Manager dialog looks like this:

Using this dialog, you can create new scenarios, and delete existing ones.  When you add a new scenario, you are prompted for a Scenario Name and Description.  In the example shown above, three scenarios have been defined.

Of course, simply creating and naming a scenario is of no value if you do not specify the Scenario Data for each scenario (i.e., the specific Data elements that differentiate the scenarios).  As discussed in the next topic, this can also be done via the Scenario Manager.

In addition to using the Scenario Manager to create scenarios, once you are experienced with modeling scenarios, you will likely also create scenarios “on the fly” outside of the Scenario Manager using other methods provided by GoldSim. You can even create scenarios via a Dashboard.

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