Viewing Final Value Results

Final Value result displays allow you to compare results in the form of bar charts, column charts, pie charts and tables. These results, by default (and as indicated by their name), are those at the end of the simulation. However, by defining Capture Times, you can also display results at a specified time.

If you have saved Final Values for an output, you can display a Final Value result by right-clicking on the output (in a browser or the output interface), or the element (if the output is the element's primary output) and selecting Final Value Result… from the context menu.

   Note:  You cannot view a Final Value result for a condition.  Only values can be displayed.

It should be noted, however, that in many cases, the chart that is displayed when you do this will not necessarily be very interesting. This is because the purpose of Final Value result displays is to carry out side-by-side comparisons of different results (in tabular form or in graphical form as a bar, column or pie chart). As such, in order to use them, you will often need to take some time to carefully specify what you wish to compare and how you want to display that comparison.

What makes Final Value results powerful is the flexibility in the kinds of things that they can be used to compare.  Examples include:

   Comparing values (or statistics) of multiple outputs;

   Comparing values of different Monte Carlo statistics (e.g., the mean, 95th percentile) for one or more outputs;

   Comparing values (or statistics) of one or more outputs for different scenarios;

   Comparing values (or statistics) of one or more outputs at different Capture Times; and

   Comparing values (or statistics) for the various items of a vector or a matrix.

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